Oolio Blog

Movember: A Call for Social Awareness and Community Support

Written by Aanchal Midha | Jan 5, 2024 3:33:31 AM

Movember, the month of moustache growing, movement and meaningful change, is more than just a quirky annual tradition. It's a global movement that plays a vital role in raising awareness about men's health issues, including prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health challenges that men face daily.


What is Movember?

Movember is an annual whose origins can be traced back to a group of friends in Melbourne, Australia, who in 2003, who decided to grow moustaches and raise funds for charity. Over the years, Movember has evolved into a global phenomenon, with millions participating.

Movember isn't just about growing moustaches; it symbolises unity, a call to action to bolster social awareness, and a heartfelt endeavour to build a stronger, healthier community. At Oolio Group, we are enthusiastic proponents of giving back to society and have wholeheartedly embraced Movember and the drive for meaningful change.

Our mission goes beyond ourselves; it reflects the Australian hospitality industry's spirit of togetherness.


How is Oolio Group contributing to the community?

This Movember, our team members are engaged in various initiatives to spark social awareness and contribute to our community's well-being. Our contributions range from growing moustaches to walking 60 kilometres, hosting bake sales, mixing drinks and more. We had dozens of people participating and raising funds, but the cherry on top was Oolio Group's commitment to dollar-match every contribution, effectively doubling the impact of our collective efforts.

As a group, we have collectively raised $12,500 with the help of multiple initiatives and the community. With the dollar-matching from Oolio Group, we ended up contributing a staggering $25,000!


The Role of Australian Hospitality


The Australian hospitality industry holds a special place in our hearts. It's a vibrant, welcoming, diverse sector that brings people together. In many ways, Australian hospitality mirrors the spirit of Movember:

  • Fostering connections
  • Building a sense of community
  • Offering support to those in need

Australian hospitality has played a pivotal role in the Movember movement for raising awareness and being a community spot for support.



Oolio Group is thrilled to be part of this global movement, and our efforts exemplify the spirit of Australian hospitality by fostering social awareness, creating connections, and supporting our community. Together, we can create a welcoming, healthy, and united world for everyone and continue to discuss difficult topics so that we work together towards solving them